Kindle Dark Mode Enhances your Reading – Here’s Why

 Minute Read
March 25, 2022
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If you find the harsh white background makes it difficult to read, there’s a simple feature aptly named Dark Mode that may make your reading more enjoyable.

I’ll go through which Kindle's have Dark Mode and how to set this up along with some research to suggest the health benefits of reading in Dark Mode.

So let dig in!

What is Dark Mode

Dark Mode (sometimes referred to Night Mode) is a feature that allows you to invert the monochrome color on a display, the background which is generally white becomes black and the text is now white.

Is there a Dark Mode for Kindle?

Dark Mode is available on the latest Kindle ereaders (made 2018 onwards). These include the Kindle Paperwhite 10th Generation (2018) and Kindle Oasis 3 (2019) or later. Enabling dark mode is achieved through the drop-down menu system and selecting the icon.

How to Turn On Kindle Dark Mode on Paperwhite

There are two ways to achieve this. The first is very simple.

Enable Night Mode from the Drop-down Menu:

1. Go to the Home screen.

2. Tap on the drop-down arrow at the top of the screen.

3. Tap on the Dark Mode icon.

kindle dark mode

The screen monochrome should now invert, with the background switched to black and any text or icon now white.

You can do this through the menu system, but there is no real advantage of doing this over the dropdown menu. To do this follow the instructions below:

Enable Dark Mode through the Main Menu:

1. Tap on the drop-down icon & select All Settings

2. Select Accessibility.

3. Tap on Invert Black and White to enable Dark Mode.

To revert to the original white background, just tap on the Dark Mode icon again.

Which Kindle has Dark Mode?  

Dark Mode is only available on more recent devices made in 2018 onwards. Here are a list of Kindle ereaders that have the Dark Mode feature available.

DeviceDark Mode Feature
Kindle Paperwhite 11th Gen
Kindle Paperwhite 10th Gen
Kindle Oasis 3
Kindle Oasis 2
Kindle Basic 10th Gen

How do I turn Dark Mode on my Kindle App

As you would imagine, Dark Mode is also available for Kindle App customers. To enable this feature, just follow the instructions below:

1. Tap on any page you are reading to bring up the Reading Menu.

2. Tap on the ‘Aa’ icon.

3. Select the Layout tab.

4. Select the Black Page Color to set Dark Mode.

5. Go Back to start reading in Dark Mode.

For further ease of reading on a phone or tablet, you could adjust the warm light which reduces the amount of blue light displayed.

Did you know? 💡
If you already have Dark Mode enabled on your mobile the background will automatically invert.

Is reading Kindle in the dark bad for my eyes?

There is no scientific evidence to support that reading in the dark is bad for your eyes. However, the CDC does recommend using a night light whilst reading as ambient light does makes it less strenuous on your eyes to process the text on the display.

Is reading in Dark Mode better for my eyes?

Recent studies have shown that reduced blue light, which is necessary to produce a white background, may in fact protect our eyes.

Research from the University of Toledo suggests that blue light from digital devices (this include ereaders) can change healthy molecules in the retina into ones that can cause damage.

Dr Ajith Karunarathne found that exposure to blue light can cause a reaction that within the retina that produces poisonous molecules within the photoreceptor cells.

These photoreceptor cells are non-regenerative in the eye, meaning that they do not repair themselves. Further research is needed to determine how much of an affect this has compared to normal eye-sight loss that comes with age.

However, setting your kindle to Dark Mode will reduce the amount of blue light (which makes up the white light on your device) your eye is exposed to. This could be as much as 60%.

Some of the latest Kindle ereaders also feature a Warm Light gradient, which allows you to reduce the blue light intensity which could help further maintain health molecules in the retina.

Kindle Night Mode FAQ

Does Warm Light Work with Dark Mode?

The warm light feature does in fact work with dark mode. Used in conjunction, both features will give the user a softer reading experience during the night, with added health benefits which I have discussed previously.

How do I change my Kindle to a black background?

By enabling the Dark Mode feature, you can invert the monochrome to white text on a black background. This can be achieved through the main drop-down menu and selecting the Dark Mode icon.

Which Kindle is best for night reading?

Both Kindle Oasis and Kindle Paperwhite are best suited for night reading as they have Dark Mode and a brightness feature to adjust the backlight to a more comfortable level for your eyes. Dark Mode makes it easier on your eyes to read at night as there is less white light required to read the text.

Does the Kindle Paperwhite 2021 have Dark Mode?

The latest Kindle Paperwhite (2021) does have the dark mode feature which can be set via the main drop-down menu. The previous Kindle Paperwhite (2018) also has this feature, but any Paperwhite (2018) or earlier does not.

Does the Kindle App have Dark Mode?

The Kindle app does indeed have the Dark Mode feature which can be enabled in the Settings options. In the Layout tab you will find the Dark Mode check icon, selecting this will enable dark mode.


Dark Mode on Kindle is an extremely useful feature for users reading late into the night or for evening reading.

Setting up is really simple to do and you can easily switch between both modes.

There are some added health benefits to this which include reduced exposure to blue light which helps maintain our melatonin levels for prolonged sleeping.

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Dave is our resident tech expert with a 25-year track record as a hardware design consultant and specializes in E-ink and battery management design. He holds a bachelor’s degree BEng in Electronic Engineering and is a member of the IET,
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