Is Kindle Worth It? Key Insights from Avid Readers

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April 21, 2024
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I'll let you into a little secret... I don't use my Kindle every day.

Sometimes I switch to a physical books, as you never replace the feel and texture of books.

Would I trade my Kindle in? Absolutely not!

In fact, I think my Kindle has been the best thing I've ever bought for under $100.

And I'm not the only one.

We polled 600+ Kindle owners and a most users (82.6%) love their kindle and use it at least once a week.

Here are just some of the benefits of reading on Kindle over books.

Advantages of Kindle:

  • Kindle Pays for itself: Have access to a library card? You can download library ebooks direct to your Kindle via the Libby app. Frequent readers will end up saving the cost of the Kindle itself within a year, making it a no-brainer!
  • Indulge with Kindle Unlimited: Subscribe to Kindle Unlimited can lead to further savings over purchasing physical books.
  • Convenience and Portability: The ability to carry hundreds of books in a slim, lightweight device makes it prefect to holidays, in particular frequent travellers.
  • Increased Reading Volume: Users often find themselves reading more due to the ease of downloading books anytime and anywhere.
  • Enhanced Reading Features: Built-in dictionaries, adjustable font sizes, and backlighting for night reading enhance the reading experience.
  • Privacy: Reading ebooks, including genres like steamy romance novels, offers discretion that isn't always possible with physical books.

Points of Contention:

  • Preference for Physical Books: Some users still prefer the tactile experience of reading physical books.
  • Alternative Devices: For some, using the Kindle app on smartphones or tablets is a more practical choice than buying a separate e-reader.
  • Performance Issues: A minority of users reported that Kindles could sometimes feel slow or sluggish for certain tasks.

Before you Buy

Before you go out an splash over $100 on a brand new Kindle, if you own a smartphone you may want to try the Kindle app first.

It's free to download and has the same user interface as a Kindle, but without the e-ink display.


The consensus among users is overwhelmingly positive, suggesting that for avid and prolific readers, the benefits of owning a Kindle largely outweigh any drawbacks.

The device not only modernizes the way books are consumed but also provides a discreet and efficient means to enjoy a wide range of literature.

audible offer trial
Dave is our resident tech expert with a 25-year track record as a hardware design consultant and specializes in E-ink and battery management design. He holds a bachelor’s degree BEng in Electronic Engineering and is a member of the IET,
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