Remarkable 3 Wish List from the Community

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May 14, 2024
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Nearly 4 years since the release of RM2, there's much speculation if we'll hear news of the much anticipated Remarkable 3 later this year.

I was curious to find out what real fans wanted to see on the next release, so I popped on a couple of forums to ask.

And the response was overwhelming! (if you’ve responded to my original post, thank you).

So, here is the Remarkable 3 Wish List as requested by the community:

Better Performance and Faster Response

This was probably the most common request.

Many users want snappier performance, less lag when writing, and faster page turns and loading times.

As one user put it, "It needs to feel as seamless as writing on actual paper."

Although it would be great to have a e-ink tablet that’s as quick as your phone. In reality, it’s difficult due to e-ink refresh rates and the faster processing impacts on battery life.

But I’m sure we’ll see an improvement.

Higher Resolution Screen

While the current 226 DPI resolution is nice, most users are hungry for a crisper, higher res display.

A sharper 300 DPI screen (which is available on some Boox devices) was a popular target to improve readability.

Front Light for Low-Light Reading

I know this can be a contentious topic of debate among Remarkable owners.

However, a front light to allow for easy reading in dimmer conditions without compromising the paper-like writing experience was a heavily requested feature.

Superior contrast and a whiter background were also mentioned.

Improved File Management and Cloud Integration

Better options for organizing files, notebooks, and documents were popular among fans.

Even the ability to customise the writing toolbar, along with smoother cloud sync capabilities with services like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.

Longer Battery Life and User-Replaceable Battery

Some urged ReMarkable to extend the battery life even further, while others wanted an easy way to swap out the battery themselves down the road for longevity.

Expanded Stylus Capabilities

Customizable brushes, shapes, colours, and stylus buttons were popular requests to unlock more artistic and organizational use cases.

There were plenty of other ideas too:

  • Larger screen option
  • Handwriting search
  • Continued OS refinements
  • Color e-ink display.

Smaller Remarkable and Ebook Store?

One suggestion that really caught my eye was a smaller 7” device for reading ebooks, with the possibility of an online store.

This would certainly provide more revenue for Remarkable, but is this a market they want to enter, with the likes of Amazon and Kobo? It would be great to have Remarkable enter the ebook market and hopefully keep prices competitive.

If there’s anything you’d like to mention that we haven’t covered, please leave them in the comments below, I make a concerted effort to respond to each one.

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Dave is our resident tech expert with a 25-year track record as a hardware design consultant and specializes in E-ink and battery management design. He holds a bachelor’s degree BEng in Electronic Engineering and is a member of the IET,
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Marino di Todaro
Marino di Todaro
4 months ago

I would like to use remarkable desktop in landscape mode while I use it only in landscape mode.

4 months ago

One thing I'd love to see is a bit more "intelligence". Would be great, if you could mark a date on a page or a bullet/list
a) As a deadline with the connected content and
b) To have an "auto-page", that lists these per Notebook or as a complete list sorted by date
c) Displaying the tags there would be nice

Mark Rejhon
Mark Rejhon
4 months ago

I am deaf and I use voice-to-text services.
I'd like Remarkable to gain a dual-microphone so I can use voice-transcription to caption other people.

It'd also make Remarkable a good dictation-writing tablet, too (already supports Bluetooth keyboard, the voice dictation would piggyback off some existing cloud dictation service).

Heck, I'd tolerate it being subscription service (like Otter-AI) given AI-based cloud transcription has superior performance over local transcription (such as far-field 6-10foot distance captioning support, and cloud-based noise cancellation support).

Or I'd sideload Chrome and run any online realtime transcription services (e.g. otter-AI website, or mimiuchi website, or webcaptioner website)

Last edited 4 months ago by Mark Rejhon
4 months ago

I’d love if it had colour rather than just b&w!

4 months ago
Reply to  Kelly

I’d like color too, absolutely. However, I think it’s only worth it if the handwriting and general look & feel close to paper are not deteriorated by the different technology. That’s what’s so special about it.

4 months ago

RM1 + RM2 Owner here. Fantastic device, but the problems with WiFi pairing ultimately pushed my back towards iPad.

4 months ago

Edit Word and Excel files

4 months ago

Wanted a minimalistic device for taking notes, reading, and annotating documents, so I tested the rM2 thoroughly. It has wonderful hardware and great handwriting capture; I loved it so much. However, what put me off in the end was the lack of handwriting search and its pretty unreliable and laggy response to two-finger zooming in and out. If the rM3 gets that sorted properly, it would become my daily companion. Fingers crossed.

3 months ago

I’ve had my reMarkable 2 for exactly 2 years now and use it at least 5-6 days a week. I use it every day at work (almost as often for personal use) and can’t imagine losing it. I love my reMarkable and am basically a walking advertisement for them lol. I showcase my tablet and its features to groups of people every time I attend a conference, class, or meeting, and I’ve had many of them tell me later that they invested in one and don’t know what they’d do without it now.

This list is on point and I would love to see these suggestions implemented in the next tablet (which I’ll be rushing to get, Dukes of Hazard style, when I find out it’s released). I would like to add a few other improvements to the list that I think are also in high demand…

1. Functional Links - There are so many times I’ve wished I could link something in one page/notebook to another (like linking notes from a meeting to a specific to-do list or my daily planner).

2. Sticky Notes/pop ups - sometimes I need something a little more in-your-face than a highlight or bold text to easily find an important note within a certain page/notebook. I attend a lot of conferences and educational classes for my industry and have wished so many times that I could put a ‘sticky note’ on a certain page. It’d also be cool if the sticky notes were linkable/searchable.

3. Improved handwriting-to-text functionality - I LOVE the suggestion to make handwritten notes searchable, partially because I find that converting them to typed text doesn’t work well. I have pretty neat handwriting, but it never works well when I try to convert my notes to text. The words aren’t spelled correctly, it misses spaces, and formatting is terrible. I’d really like to see better accuracy and formatting options when converting to text, such as:
-A way to indicate words should be bold/underlined/italicized
-A way to indicate titles, headings and subheadings
-Maintain highlights/symbols/bullet points/check boxes (would be amazing if the checkboxes actually worked once converted)
-Keep paragraph/spacing in the formatting once it’s converted.

4. Typed Text Options/Enhancements, including:
-Ability make only certain words in a line bold (this is a big annoyance when typing in the desktop app)
-Better/more responsive typing functionality on the tablet (I don’t have the physical keyboard, and the experience may be different with it, but the on-screen keyboard is very slow and ends up skipping letters/spacing because I type faster than it process the keystrokes and I always have to make corrections)
-Additional text sizes/options
-Tab formatting (i.e. checkboxes, bullet points, #’s/letters that can be tabbed in to indicate a subsection rather than forcing left alignment)

5. Spot of Color - I get why the tablet doesn’t have color, and battery life is a BIG priority for me. That said, I wish there was at least a little bit of color on the table so I can actually see that something is in red and should stand out, or highlighted in pink vs yellow vs. green (which I use a lot to indicate something is important vs. a definition vs. an idea). I’d love to see some additional color options for the pens/highlighter. I have a very A-type personality, so organizing and color coded notes are important to me. I often find that I need more than the limited options available on the tablet. Something as small as adding orange to the highlighter colors and a couple of additional pen colors would be a big deal for me.

*Sorry for the long post! This comment was originally meant to be about 2 sentences long, but once I got going it was hard to stop. If you read this far, I appreciate you taking the time to do so!

2 months ago

I wish it could be swapped upside down for lefties, so that the metallic side would be on the right.

2 months ago

Encryption. Please encrypt the device. Second to that, but equally important, get an ISO 27001 certification.

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